Support Overview
RS2 offers an extensive range of support modeling options for geotechnical and mining applications. The two main categories of support types in RS2 are Bolts and Liners. Liners can be used to model many different types of support systems.
For an overview of the bolt modeling options in RS2 see the Bolts Overview topic. The following bolt types can be modeled:
- End Anchored
- Fully Bonded
- Plain Strand Cable
- Swellex / Split Set
- Tiebacks
For an overview of the support modeling options which can be simulated with liners in RS2 see the Liner Overview topic.
- Liners can represent a single layer of support applied to a boundary (e.g. shotcrete).
- Liners with multiple layers can be modeled with the Composite Liner option.
- Liners can also be used to model piles, geosynthetics (e.g. geogrids or geotextiles) and other support systems.
For an overview of the Pile modelling options in RS2 see the Pile Overview topic. Pile elements were specifically designed to easily model piles:
- Different connection types with raft/beam can be specified
- Multiple pile sections are supported
- Many pile/soil interaction methods are implemented to provide flexibity to users.