Legend Options
The Legend Options dialog in the View menu allows you to:
- show / hide the display of the legend
- customize the number of decimal places displayed in the legend, and also on contour labels and queries
- Legend Options operates on a per view basis, so each view (window) can have its own customized Legend Options.
- The Number of Decimal Places in Legend Options can be customized for each Data Type (For example, Sigma 1, Strength Factor and Displacement, can each have an individually customized Number of Decimal Places). Furthermore, RS2 will automatically save the latest settings you have chosen for each Data Type, so that you do not have to reset the Number of Decimal Places each time you start the program.
- A convenient shortcut for accessing the Legend Options dialog, is to right-click ON the Legend, and select Legend Options from the popup menu.
- The legend can be moved anywhere on the view by hovering over it with the mouse. When you see the four-arrow "move" icon, press and HOLD the left mouse button, and move the legend anywhere in the view.
- The legend can also be lengthened or shortened. If you hover the mouse over the MIDPOINT of the top or bottom of the Legend, you will see a double-arrow icon. Press and HOLD the left mouse button, and drag the mouse up or down, to re-size the legend. As you resize the legend, the number of labeled contour intervals may increase or decrease, depending on the number of intervals defined in the Contour Options dialog. Experiment with this to see how it works.
- In addition to displaying the contour information, the Legend in RS2 also displays other information such as yielded element symbols and colours. These will appear at the bottom of the Legend, when they are applicable.