3D Finite Element Analysis Software

Analyzes complex 3D geotechnical models for civil and mining projects, perfect for both rock and soil.

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3D Finite Element Analysis Software

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RS3 empowers engineers to model large scale underground mines, open pits, jointed rock slopes and stope sequencing. You can use different underground mining methods like room and pillar, cut and fill, and block caving to make calculated decisions.



RS3 empowers engineers to model large scale underground mines, open pits, jointed rock slopes and stope sequencing. You can use different underground mining methods like room and pillar, cut and fill, and block caving to make calculated decisions.


Surface and Underground Excavation

Analyze stress, deformation, stability, and groundwater flow for surface and underground excavations. Even the most complex civil, geotechnical, and mining-based excavations are easier to analyze using RS3, trusted by engineers globally.


Surface and Underground Excavation

Analyze stress, deformation, stability, and groundwater flow for surface and underground excavations. Even the most complex civil, geotechnical, and mining-based excavations are easier to analyze using RS3, trusted by engineers globally.

Shear Strength Reduction

Automate your slope stability analysis using the Shear Strength Reduction method. You can locate the critical failure point and determine the strength reduction factor of your slopes with a single click.


Shear Strength Reduction

Automate your slope stability analysis using the Shear Strength Reduction method. You can locate the critical failure point and determine the strength reduction factor of your slopes with a single click.

Check out the full list of technical features in RS3

See Specs

RS3 Across Applications

  • Tunneling
  • Levee and Embankment
  • Dynamic Response
  • Foundation


Design and analyze 3D tunnels and automate complex staging excavations. The 3D Tunnel Designer makes modeling tunnels with various shapes, supports, loads, and staging excavations easy and efficient.

RS3 Tunneling

Levee and Embankment

Model consolidation by performing coupled analysis, suitable for both levees and embankments. Varied seepage boundary conditions are available, including wick drains and relief wells.

RS3 Levee & Embankment

Dynamic Response

Utilize RS3’s robust tools for dynamic analysis by imposing ground acceleration or vibration forces on models. A variety of dynamic boundary conditions are available, such as absorb and free field, to ensure accurate dynamic responses.

RS3 Dynamic Response


Evaluate the bearing capacity, settlement, and overall stress and deformation behaviour of shallow and deep foundations. Key features include modelling piles and rafts, soil-structure interactions, custom surface loading and groundwater analysis.

RS3 Foundation
RS3 can also be used for Embankments, Groundwater, and Foundations. Learn More

RS3 Seamlessly Integrates With

  • RS2
  • Slide3
  • RSData
  • EX3


Easily transition between 2D and 3D using a shared materials library to create models faster. Import RS2 models into RS3 to carry out 3D finite element analysis or take a cut of 3D models using the RS2 section creator to quickly analyze critical sections in RS2.



RS3 and Slide3 share the same geometry and material libraries, making it easier than ever to transition between programs. Import Slide3 models into RS3 to verify slope stability results or take the model one step further with RS3’s stress-strain, groundwater, and dynamic tools.



Effortlessly copy your material properties from RSData, our program for analyzing rock and soil strength data, strength envelopes and other physical parameters, and paste them into RS3 for a more streamlined workflow.



Seamlessly transfer your models between RS3 and EX3. Convert geometry, assign materials, apply field stresses, and define regions of interest to ensure a computation-ready model after loading.


The Latest Features

Learn more about all the new features in the latest release of RS3. Read article
  • Hybrid Mesh

    You can now mix both linear and higher-order elements together at the same time in your model. Define higher-order regions and 10-node elements will apply to these zones automatically, while 4-node elements will be used elsewhere for speed and accuracy. Webinar: Hybrid Mesh

  • DFN

    Define any stochastic and deterministic parallel and crossed joint networks in your model using our DFN tool. With just a few clicks, you can define complicated joint configurations and assign them to your model.

  • Advanced Bolt Selection

    You can load the results of the model with many bolts, and then easily search through and sort the data between them.

Hybrid Mesh in RS3
DFN in RS3
Advanced Bolt Selection in RS3

Grow With Our Learning Resources

Explore our Learning Resources and User Guides, designed to help you excel with all of your geotechnical projects, whether you are a practicing engineer, an academic or a student.
Geometry Collage

Solving a 3D Modelling Nightmare - Detecting & Fixing Input Geometry

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Can Machine Learning Accelerate 3D Finite Element Modelling?

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Mastering RS2 & RS3: Modelling Walls for Supported Excavations


Get RS3 today. Choose your license below:

Personal Lease

USD / year
  • One Seat
  • One User Device
  • Cloud-Hosted Licensing
  • Managed in the RocPortal

Flexible Lease

USD / year
  • Multiple Seats
  • 5 User Devices Per Seat
  • Cloud-Hosted Licensing
  • Managed in the RocPortal
If you’re interested in hosting your flexible lease licenses on a local server, contact us.
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