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RS2 Compute Dialog

The RS2 Compute dialog allows users to select files to run and displays the key data for the current simulation. The Compute dialog will appear when Compute computeor Compute (groundwater only) compute groundwater is launched, which whether is from the Analysis menu in RS2 modeler, or as a standalone program (feawin.exe) from the installation folder.

There are two tabs in RS2 Compute dialog. The File List tab allows users to open and organize RS2 files, and the Current Progress tab presents general information and graphs for selected key data for users to monitor the data change over the simulation.

File List

Open Files to Compute

If users want to select RS2 files to compute from the RS2 Compute Dialog:

  1. Select the File List tab.
  2. Select Open open file to open one or more files. A Windows Open file dialog will display. RS2 files have a *.fez filename extension. Select the .fez file(s) you want to compute, click Open.

    Note: Users can click on the expandable button beside “Open” to choose files from Examples folder, Tutorials folder, and previous files. Users can also drag and drop files to the File List section.

  3. The selected files will be added to the file list with:
    1. Filename - when the mouse is hovered over the filename, the full path of will appear.
    2. Status – processing, queueing, did not converge, or finished.
    3. Note – detail description for the status

      Note: The number of files on the list will show in a sentence below the file list.

  4. Select the Compute button compute file to perform the finite element analysis for the listed files following the listed order.
  5. Users can pause the simulation with the Pause button pause compute, and Resume resume compute.
  6. Users can abort the simulation with the Abort button abort compute. A warning dialog will pop up.
  7. RS2 Compute abort warning dialog

  8. Click Yes to confirm abort. Then users can select other file(s) to compute, or exit the dialog with the Exit button exit compute.
The current status of the computation will show as a foot note at the bottom left corner of the dialog.

Delete Files

Select the files on the file list to highlight, and then select the delete button delete file to remove them from the file list.

Edit Files

Use the Move Up move up file and Move Down move down file buttons to rearrange the file sequence on the list.

compute dialog file list

Current Progress

The Current Progress tab allows users to monitor the progress of the simulation and overview the development of selected key data. All data displayed can be found in RS2 modeler or RS2 Interpret after the computation. The Current Progress tab contains six sections: Current Progress, General Information, Stage Information, System Information, Convergence Graphs, and History Graphs . The General Information, Stage Information, and System Information can be expanded/minimized by clicking on the expandable button on top of the section.

The Current Progress tab will be blank when no files in queue.

Current Progress

This section provides progress status information, including:

  • Input File name.
  • Elapsed time - since the simulation started.
  • Elements - total mesh element number of the model.
  • DOF – degree of freedom, which will change by stage.
  • A progress bar in terms of Stage.
    If a Shear Strength Reduction (SSR) analysis is carried out, the current SRF value that is used to alternate the material properties of the model will display on top of the Stage progress bar.
  • A progress bar in terms of Load Step.
  • A progress bar in terms of Time Step.
current progress section (no SSR) (Multi-stage model without SSR analysis) current progress section with SSR (Multi-stage model with SSR analysis)

General Information

This section provides general information of the model, including the Analysis Type, Consolidation Option, Dynamic, Thermal (coming soon), Strength Reduction Factor, Convergence Criteria, Load Stepping Scheme, Time Units Stress Units. The information can be found in Project Setting.

general information section

Stage Information

This section provides information for the current running stage, including the Stage Start Time (s), Stage Duration (s), Groundwater Option, Consolidation Option, Thermal Option (coming soon), Dynamic, Strength Reduction Factor, SRF value, and SRF Iteration.

Stage information section

System Information

This section provides system information for the file, including Free Disk (MB), Total Memory (MB), Max Swap Memory (KB), and Execution Priority. The Execution Priority indicates the priority level of RS2 program compared to other programs. Users can adjust the execution priority using the dropdown bar.

System information section

Convergence Graphs

The convergence information for the finite element stress analysis will be presented graphically. The Tolerance versus the Iteration for the current load step will be plotted. The graph shows the development over one load step of the calculation. Each data point represents the calculated tolerance for the current iteration. The tolerance is calculated based on the selected convergence criteria that shown in the General Information. The Y axis is dynamic, that the flexible range helps to better visualize the data variation.

For one iteration, if the current tolerance is less than the maximum tolerance value, then the solution is considered to have converged. A maximum number of iterations can be performed at each load step for the stage.

Users can plot the graph for one or all material properties (solid, fluid, and thermal). The relevant convergence parameters for each material property are summarized in a table:

  • Max # of Iterations: the defined maximum number of iterations for each load step.
  • Current Iteration: the current iteration number out of the maximum number of iterations.
  • Max Tolerance: the defined maximum tolerance value for a load step.
  • Current Tolerance: the calculated tolerance value for the current iteration.
The convergence criteria can be found under the General Information section. The convergence parameters (maximum number of iterations, tolerance, number of load steps, convergence types) and more advanced settings can be found and customized in Project Setting > Stress Analysis from the Analysis menu.

convergence graph section

History Graphs

The section displays the development of displacement, pore pressure, and temperature graphically. Two types of data can be plotted:

  1. Maximum Values
  2. Select Plot = Max from the dropdown bar. Select the time reference as the Y-axis from one of the three options: Load Percentage Stage, Stage Number, and SRF. The history graphs for the Maximum Displacement, Delta Pore Pressure, and Delta Temperature will be computed respectively.

  3. History Query
  4. History Graphs for History Query allow users to observe the data development at a specific location over the simulation. To enable History Graphs for History Query, one or more History Query points must be defined prior in the modeler with the Add History Query option.

    Select one History Query point (the default name will be HQ#) from the dropdown bar beside Plot. Select the time reference as the Y-axis from one of the three options: Load Percentage Stage, Stage Number, and SRF. The history graphs for the Displacement, Pore Pressure, and Temperature of the History Query location will be computed respectively.

History graphs_max valuesHistory graphs_history query
History Graphs - Max ValuesHistory Graphs - History Query
When Compute (groundwater only) is launched, the Current Progress, General Information, Stage Information, and System Information sections will stay the same. In the Convergence Graphs section, only fluid material data will be available, and in the History Graphs section, only pore pressure (or delta pore pressure) data will be available.

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