Query All Nodes
The Query All Nodes option in the Query menu allows you to automatically create a single "point" Query at EACH NODE of the finite element mesh.
Query All Nodes will display the value of the currently contoured data type (e.g. Sigma 1, Strength Factor, Displacement etc), at EACH NODE of the finite element mesh. NOTE:
- If you are viewing the entire model, then the display of queried values created by the Query All Nodes option, will probably overlap. In order to read the values, you may have to zoom in to an area of the model (for example, with the Zoom Window option).
- If you change the contoured data type you are viewing, the values of the queried data at all nodes, will be automatically updated, to display values of the currently contoured data type.
Number of Decimal Places
You can change the number of decimal places displayed by the queries, with the Legend Options dialog. This is also available as a right click shortcut, if you right click on any query, and select Number Format from the popup menu.
Viewing the Mesh
When you select Query All Nodes, you may also want to view the finite element mesh. This can be done by selecting the Elements check box in the Display Options dialog (the Elements option is also available as a toolbar shortcut). Remember that the nodes of the mesh are the locations which are queried by the Query All Nodes option.
Delete Queries
To delete the display of queried values after you have selected the Query All Nodes option, you must use the Delete Material Query option. TIP: to quickly delete all queries, select Delete Material Query, right-click the mouse, select Delete All from the popup menu, and select OK in the message dialog.
Export Value At All Nodes
You can export the queried values at all nodes, with the Export Value at All Nodes option in the File menu. This allows you to save the queried values at all nodes, to a *.CSV file (comma separated values file). The data saved to the file, will correspond to the currently contoured data (e.g. Sigma 1, Strength Factor, etc). You can then import the file into other programs (e.g. a spreadsheet program) for further processing. NOTE: in order to export the data, you do NOT have to use the Query All Nodes option first. You can export the data regardless of whether you have selected Query All Nodes.