Contour Range
For staged models, RS2 automatically calculates default ranges for each data type, for:
- each individual stage
- for all stages combined
Auto-Range (this stage)
Each stage will have its own default contour range (for each data type)
Auto-Range (all stages)
All stages will use the same contour range, determined from the maximum range of data at all stages.
Custom Range
The user can enter custom values for the minimum and maximum range values, the number of intervals, or the actual interval value.
Fill Out of Range
By default, the Fill Out of Range option is off, where only the contour within Custom Range will be displayed, and the contour outside the range will be unfilled. When the Fill Out of Range option is enabled, the contour outside of the Custom Range will also be filled. The contour greater than the defined maximum will be filled with the maximum value contour color. The contour less than the defined minimum will be filled with the minimum value contour color.