Import RS2 Properties
The Import RS2 Property File option allows you to import properties (e.g. material, bolt, liner) from an RS2 file into a RS3 file. To import properties:
- Select: File > Import > Import RS2 Property File.
- You will see an Open File dialog. You can import properties from RS2 Model files (*.fea, .fez, or .zip). Select and open the desired file.
- You will see the Import Properties dialog, which allows you to select the properties you would like to import (e.g. material, bolt, liner) using the checkboxes at the left of the dialog.
- If you want to import specific property types (e.g. only certain materials), click on the expand arrow icon to view all the specific properties within each category and then select the desired checkboxes for individual items.
- Select OK and the chosen properties will be imported into the current file.
- After importing properties, you should verify that the correct properties have been read. Go to the material properties (e.g. Materials > Define Materials), and check that the properties in the dialog are the ones you wanted.