Advanced Correlation
The Advanced Correlation option is accessed through the Material Statistics > Correlation dialog. It allows you to define correlation coefficients between any two random variables in any material. This is useful when you have different materials which have some properties (e.g. cohesion and friction angle) which are correlated. In general, this should provide more realistic analysis results, compared to running the analysis with no correlation of variables.
To use Advanced Correlation:
- First, define the random variables as described in the Material Statistics topic.
- Select the Correlation button in the Material Statistics dialog.
- Select the Advanced Correlation button at the bottom of the Mohr-Coulomb Correlation Coefficients dialog.
- In the Advanced Correlation dialog, select the Add button for each pair of random variables that you would like to correlate.
- Use the Prop1 and Prop2 columns to select the random variables that you would like to correlate, and enter a correlation coefficient for each pair.
- Select the Check Valid button. If there are any input errors you will see a warning message, indicating what corrections should be made.
- When all input is valid, select OK in the Advanced Correlation dialog.
When the probabilistic analysis is run, the sampling of the random variables will be correlated according to your input.
See Tutorial 27 for a demonstration of the Advanced Correlation option.