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Add Query

The Add Query option is used to create a Query for a specific slip surface. Once a Query is created for a slip surface, detailed analysis results can be viewed with the Graph Query or Query Slice Data options.

To add a Query:

  1. Select Add Query Add query icon from the toolbar or the Query menu.
  2. Now hover the cursor, without clicking, over:
    • slip center grid points (circular surfaces) or axis points (non-circular surfaces), or
    • any region within the slope where slip surfaces have been analyzed.

    The nearest corresponding slip surface will be highlighted on the model, and the safety factor and coordinates of the slip surface will be displayed.

  3. Once a desired surface has been located, click the left mouse button and a Query will be created for that slip surface, and you will exit the Add Query option.
  4. When a Query has been created for a slip surface, note that the slip surface and the radial lines joining the slip center to the slip surface endpoints, are drawn in black. This allows the user to tell when a Query has been created for the Global Minimum, which is initially drawn in green.

NOTE: the Data Output option in Project Settings, determines whether detailed analysis data is saved for the Global Minimum surface only, or for all surfaces.

  • If Data Output = Standard, then you will only be able to create a Query for the Global Minimum slip surface. (You may select surfaces other than the Global Minimum with Add Query, however, only the safety factor will be displayed. Detailed analysis results are not available and cannot be viewed.)
  • If Data Output = Maximum, then you will be able to create a query and view detailed analysis results for any slip surface. See the Query Overview topic for more information.

Global Minimum Query

To add a Query on the Global Minimum, hover the cursor over the center of rotation (circular), axis point (non-circular) or slip surface, until the highlighted slip surface exactly overlaps the Global Minimum, in step 2 above. Then click the mouse (step 3), and a Query corresponding to the Global Minimum slip surface will be created. You can also create a Global Minimum Query using the shortcuts described below.

Shortcut for Global Minimum Query

A convenient shortcut for adding a Query on the Global Minimum slip surface, is the following:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the slip surface, or on the radial lines joining the slip center to the slip surface endpoints.
  2. Select Add Query from the popup menu, and a Query for the Global Minimum will be created.

Additional Shortcuts

The following steps are also convenient shortcuts for creating a Query on the Global Minimum:

  • If you select Graph Query, before any queries have been created, Slide2 will automatically select the Global Minimum surface for querying. If you then proceed to Graph data with the Graph Query dialog, the Query will automatically be created, and the data will be graphed for the Global Minimum.
  • Similarly, if you select Show Slices before any queries have been created, Slide2 will automatically create a Query for the Global Minimum, and show the slices for the Global Minimum.

NOTE: Queries are added on a PER VIEW BASIS. Therefore if multiple views are open for the same file, each view can have different Queries added to it. New views of a model are created with the New Window option in the Window menu.

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