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Data Entry

The test hole data entry page comprises several tabs:

Test Hole Data Entry
Test Hole Data Entry
Click the ... icon next to the tab headers to customize the tabs used for the Test Hole data entry. Use the dialog to select, re-arrange and/or hide tabs as needed.

Data entry in several tabs of this page is done through tables. Please see this article for working with tables. If you have your data in CSV format, select the Import CSV File from the + New dropdown menu to import your data (read more).

Navigating Between Test Holes

Use the Arrow button arrow buttons in the top left of the screen to easily switch between boreholes of a Project.

Test Hole Log (preview)

Click the Preview button in the top-right of the screen to preview your Test Hole Log. Select a log template form the drop-down menu and RSLog will generate the preview of the test hole log on a new page.

Generate Test Hole Log (preview)
Generate Test Hole Log (preview)

Groundwater Level

In RSLog two different types of groundwater measurements could be entered:

  • During Drilling: in order to enter groundwater observed during drilling click on the link Groundwater Observed During Drilling (in General tab). This will open a dialog-box where you can enter data. In the borehole log, this groundwater level will be shown on the depth scale log column.
  • After Drilling: if a piezometer / well is installed in this test hole, please enter this type of groundwater monitoring data in Instrumentation tab. This is the stabilized groundwater level.

General tab

In RSLog, test hole data is entered in different tabs located at the top of the page, beginning with the General tab. This tab is where you enter general details such as test hole name, depth, etc. The following provides further details:

Test Hole Type

Generally, a test hole is made either by ‘drilling’ (e.g. a borehole) or by ‘excavating’ (e.g. a test pit, trial pit or trench). As a result, the drop down options for Test Hole Type are either:

  • Drill Hole (borehole): any type of hole drilled manually (e.g. hand auger) or by using machinery (i.e. a drill rig).
  • Test Pit (trial pit, trench, pit): typically implies a larger hole dug using shovel or by an excavator.

Progress Status

The status of a test hole indicates at which drilling/excavating stage it is.


While coordinates are not necessarily required for a test hole, to benefit from the other RSLog features such as GIS or Cross-Section Designer, we recommend that you enter test hole coordinates and elevation (more about coordinates system in RSLog.). If you don’t have exact coordinates for your test holes, it is highly recommended that you specify their locations on the map by clicking Place on Map button.


Enter the trend (azimuth) and plunge of the test hole using the Verticality tab.

Location Details

More location specific data (e.g. Stationing, Offset etc.) for the test hole could be entered in this tab.


In this tab enter data required by United States Army Corps of Engineers for test hole logs.

SPT Hammer

Enter the hammer data used for Standard Penetration Test (SPT) using the SPT Hammer tab.

Completion Notes

  • Start Notes: will be displayed in the borehole log at the top of the first page of the log, above the Lithologic Description log column. See how you can customize the Starts Notes.
  • Termination Notes: will be displayed in the borehole log at the bottom of the test hole (last page) below the Lithologic Description log column. See how you can customize the Termination Notes.

Extra Tags

In this section enter values for Extra Tags of this test hole.

Extra Tags are additional properties that you can assign to a test hole. User can edit the list of Extra Tags from Settings page > Data Entry > Extra Tags tab.

    Samples tab

    On the Samples tab, you can enter the list of samples taken from this test hole.

    • Depth: You can specify From (i.e. top depth) and To (i.e. bottom depth) for a sample. If your samples are identified by one depth only, leave the To field empty.
    • Sample No.: enter sample number for the sample (optional).
    • Color: enter sample color or click on the color-picker button to select from Munsell Colors.
    • Sample Type: select the method of sampling (required). The list of sample types may be edited on the Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Sampling and Boring tab.
    • Moisture Level: select the sample moisture level (optional). The list of moisture descriptors may be edited on the Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Sampling and Boring tab.
    • Sample Recovery %: enter sample recovery (optional).
    • RQD %: enter sample RQD (optional).
    • Sample Description: enter field description of the sample (optional).
    RSLog can display long sample numbers with word wrap effect in the borehole log (i.e. in Samples log column). However, the word wrap effect is only working when the sample has both From and To input data. This reserves a box in the borehole log (with top and bottom of the box being the From and To) where the sample number is written.

    Field Tests tab

    RSLog supports various types of field tests such as Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Vane Shear Test, Manual DCP soundings and more. The list of field tests and their data columns can be customized on the Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Field Tests.

    • Depth Column: enter a value greater than or equal to zero.
    • Reporting Value Column: this column accepts text or number. If a text is entered, it would be interpreted based on the SPT Rules tab on Settings page.
    • Other Columns: the number of other columns showing in the table depends on the field test selected.

    Comments tab

    The Comments tab allows you to add depth-related comments. These comments are shown in the borehole logs in the column Comments/Remarks.

    Stratigraphy tab

    The Stratigraphy tab is used to enter subsurface soil or rock layers that were encountered during the field investigation.

    • Depth: enter top and bottom depths that represent the strata (required),
    • Layer Title: if you wish to give the strata a title, enter it in the Layer Title (optional),
    • Copy Layer Data: click on the copy button next to the Layer Title to copy a strata from another test hole,
    • Classification System: select the classification system (USCS, AASHTO, AGS, ROCK) that is used for specifying the soil / rock class,
      • Soil Stratum: start with selecting the Major Soil Type from the dropdown. Depending on the category selected, other dropdowns will be populated with relevant subcategories. Once the Group Symbol is selected, its corresponding Log Symbol will be automatically selected and the hatch pattern image will be shown. See Settings page > Hatch Design tab for hatch colors and default description texts.
      • Rock Stratum: start with selecting Rock Type and finish by Rock Name. The Log Symbol will be automatically selected and the hatch pattern image will be shown.
    • Log Symbol: this is the hatch pattern that will be shown for this stratum in the borehole log. In order to change the Log Symbol click on the dropdown, select the category, and select from the list / search for a soil or rock type.
    • Geologic Unit: user can assign a geologic unit to each stratum.
    • Lithologic Description: the layer description may be entered manually (Basic Mode) or be compiled by RSLog based on the data entered (Detailed Mode). This is selected using the link located at the top-right of the Layer Description box:
    Selecting Layer Description (basic / detailed mode)
    Selecting Layer Description (basic / detailed mode)
    Select part of the text in Layer Description and use the following shortcuts to format the text:
    • Ctrl + I: makes the text Italic
    • Ctrl + B: makes the text Bold
    • Ctrl + U: makes the text Underlined

    Basic View

    While is Basic View, you can enter the soil / rock stratum description in the Layer Description textbox. When entered, click Save to close the dialog.

    Detailed View

    Select Detailed View if you would like to enter layer visual description (after ASTM 2488) and let RSLog compile layer description for you. Clicking on Detailed View opens additional data entry fields:

    Detailed View
    Detailed View
    The compiler configuration may be customized by user on the Settings page (see how).

    General tab

    Enter moisture conditions, consistency, structure, color and more. If the stratum is fill, select the Mark as FILL checkbox (the compiler will add the phrase "(FILL)" to the end of the layer description text).

    Use the consistency / relative density dropdown to select the consistency (fine-grained soils) or relative density (for coarse-grained soils) of the material. Please note the list of consistency or relative density options may be edited on Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Field Tests tab.

    The Layer Line Style is used to specify the type, thickness, and color for the line drawn at the bottom of this layer in the borehole log.

    Components tab

    Please refer to Section 2.5 and 2.6 of Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation for details.

    Drilling Observations tab

    Please refer to Section 2.5 and 2.6 of Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation for details.

    Interim Changes tab

    Please refer to Section 2.5 and 2.6 of Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation for details.

    When geology is generally consistent across the site, you can duplicate test holes and just change certain data in the copied test hole (e.g. top & bottom of layers).

    Detect Data Entry Conflicts

    Click on Summary of Field Tests link and Summary of Lab. Tests link open new dialogs with a list of field and lab data. This allows user to compare the layer description with field and lab data and minimize data entry errors. An example of this type of errors are the field descriptions of moisture or consistency versus actual values measured in the lab.

    Boring Details tab

    Use this tab to specify borehole construction details. This data will be presented in the test hole log in the "Boring Details" log column. Each record represents a different drilling methodology:

    • Depth: enter the top and bottom depths,
    • Hole Diameter: enter the borehole diameter,
    • Drilling Method: select from the list; please note this list can be customized from the Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Field Tests tab.
    • Drill Rod: enter the information about the drill rod (size, type, etc.),
    • Drill Rig: select the Type of Drill Rig from the dropdown list and enter the model of rig,
    • Drill Bit: select the Type of Drill Bit from the dropdown list and enter the Drill Bit Information,
    • Casing: select the Type of Casing from the dropdown list and enter the Casing Diameter,
    • Date & Time: enter the date and time when this part of drilling was completed,
    • Backfill Pattern: select the type of hatch pattern that should be used for graphic presentation of this part of the borehole in the borehole log,
    • Instrument Installed: indicates that an instrument is installed within this part of the borehole. This will show an instrument in the borehole log.

    Drill Runs tab

    Enter the list of drill runs when the borehole includes coring. This page can be used to enter the rock mass unit details instead of drill runs.
    • Depth: enter the top and bottom depths,
    • Total Core Recovered: enter the total length of core recovered in this drill run; Click on calculator button to automatically calculate the Total Core Recovery (%),
    • Total Lengths >4 inch: enter the total length of core pieces longer than 4 inches (100 mm) in this drill run; Click on calculator button to automatically calculate the RQD (%),
    • Rock Mass Ratio (RMR): enter the RMR for this drill run,
    • Total Core Recovery (TCR): enter the TCR for this drill run; This could be automatically calculated based on the Total Core Recovered length,
    • Solid Core Recovery (SCR): enter the SCR for this drill run,
    • Total Material Recovery (TMR): enter the TMR for this drill run,
    • Rock Quality Designation (RQD): enter RQD values for the entire drill run or for the rock mass units,
    • Joint Spacing / Conditions: enter joint spacing and joint conditions,
    • Fractures: enter the number of fractures present in this drill run or rock mass unit,
    • Rock Strength Level: select the strength level from the dropdown; Please note this list can be customized from the Settings page > Rock Classification tab,
    • Rock Alteration Level: select the alteration level from the dropdown; Please note this list can be customized from the Settings page > Rock Classification tab,
    • Rock Weathering Level: select the weathering from the dropdown; Please note this list can be customized from the Settings page > Rock Classification tab,

    Discontinuities tab

    The list of defects and discontinuities are entered on this page.

    • Depth: enter the top and bottom depths,
    • Alpha / Beta: enter the alpha and beta angles for the orientation of the discontinuities,
    • JRC-RMR76: enter the Joint Roughness Coefficient; click on the info icon to open the JRC chart,
    • Defect Details: this includes defect type, shape, roughness, infill type, infill character and infill thickness; Please note this list can be customized from the Settings page > Rock Classification tab,

    Instrumentation tab

    The details of any type instrumentation installed in the test hole may be entered on this page. This may be a piezometer / well installation, inclinometer, or any other measurement carried out along the depth of the borehole:

    Piezometer / Well Data

    Use this tab to enter details of piezometer / well including the following:

    • Piezo Type: select the type of piezometer / well installed in this test hole,
    • Plug Type: select the type of plug installed at the top of this piezometer / well,
    • End Cap Type: select the type of end (bottom) cap used,
    • Stickup: if the piezometer / well is installed with a stickup above the ground surface, select the checkbox and enter the stickup length.
    The list of piezometer types, plug types, and caps may be customized from the Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Instrumentation tab.

    Construction Details (Pipe Segments)

    Most piezometers will be installed inside a casing pipe. Sections of this pipe may be solid or perforated / slotted. This will be presented in the borehole log graphically.

    Start adding pipe segments by clicking + New button from the table toolbar:

    • Depth: enter the top and bottom depths of this pipe segment,
    • Pipe Type: select from None, Solid, or Slotted,
    • Backfill: select the backfill hatch pattern to be used in the borehole log.

    Groundwater Monitoring

    Use this page to enter groundwater level measurements following installation of the piezometer / well in a test hole. To enter a water level measurement click + New button:

    • Date & Time: enter the date and time of the water level measurement,
    • Water Depth: enter the depth (below ground surface) of the groundwater,
    • Weather Condition / Notes: enter the weather condition or any remarks.

    Borehole Survey

    Borehole surveys are intended to obtain information about the deviations in the boreholes, as well as the different characteristics of the rock formations. Examples of borehole surveys include inclinometer installation, sonar caliper, gyro survey and more. On this page user can add multiple borehole survey results as 'datasets'. In order to add a 'dataset' click on New Dataset button at the top-right of the page:

    • Type: select the type of dataset; The list of survey types may be customized from the Settings page > Field Investigation tab > Instrumentation tab.
    • Title: enter a title for this borehole survey dataset.
    • Import Data From CSV File: the only data entry method available for a borehole survey is to import a CSV file. To do so, click on + New dropdown arrow to open the menu, then select Import CSV File menu (see more about importing CSV files).
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