Detailed Block Information
The Detailed Block Information window shows a single selected block in isolation with its corresponding Block Information and and has additional information about:
- Joints
- Joint Line of Intersections
- Block Vertices
Block Preview
The block preview shows a 3D model of the block in isolation, away from other blocks and the socketed slope. This view like any other 3D view allows the user to zoom, rotate and pan. The joint faces are coloured according to the the Joint Property and are labeled to correspond with the joint IDs in the Joint section.
Block Information
The same set of general information listed in Block Information is summarized here.
The Joints section lists all joint faces which make up the block. For each joint face, the following information is available:
- ID: the joint's ID
- Area
- Normal Force
- Joint Property
- Shear Strength
- Shear Strength (Waviness): shear strength due to waviness
- Trace Length
- Persistence
- Water Pressure
- Dip
- Dip Direction
- Adjacent Block ID: block which is face-face connected to the joint
Joint Line of Intersection
The Joint Line of Intersection section lists all intersection edges between two joints. For each joint line of intersection, the following information is available:
- ID1 and ID2: the two joint IDs which intersect.
- Internal Angle: the angle between two intersecting joints, measured from the half space that the block is in.
- Line of Intersection: the unit vector (X, Y, Z) of the line of intersection.
Block Vertices
The Block Vertices section lists all block vertices formed by the intersection of two or more joints, or a joint and the free surface. For each block vertex, the following information is available:
- Joint IDs: the joint IDs which intersect to form a vertex.
- X, Y, Z: vertex coordinate.