Tutorials Overview

Introduction to RS2
- Surface Excavation Mode
- Distributed Load and Staged Loading
- Analyze Results
- Queries
Slope Stability

Shear Strength Reduction (SSR)
- Determine Safety Factor
- Animate Slope Failure
- Plot Maximum Deformation vs SRF
- Data Analysis

SSR Search Area
- Import Load
- SSR Analysis
- SSR Search Area
- Import Failure Surface

Geogrid Reinforced Embankment
- Geogrid Reinforced Embankment
- Liner Support and Graph
- Joints
Consolidation / Settlement

Embankment Consolidation
- Staged Embankment
- Consolidation Settlement
- Coupled Solid-fluid Analysis
- Excess Pore Water Pressure
Groundwater Seepage

Finite Element Groundwater Seepage
- Groundwater and Stress Analysis
- Flow Vectors and Lines
- Iso-lines
- Discharge Sections

Groundwater Flow in Cofferdam
- Seepage Analysis
- Discharge Sections
- Flownets

Drawdown Analysis for Slope
- Staged Piezo LInes
- Staged Groundwater Analysis
- Ponded Water Loading

Drawdown Analysis for Tunnel Excavation
- Staged Tunnel Excavation
- Groundwater Drawdown
- 3D Tunnel Simulation

Coupled Drawdown Analysis
- Drawdown
- Staged Groundwater/Coupled Analysis
- Transient Groundwater
- Loading Conditions

Wick Drains
- Wick Drain Pattern
- Unknown Boundary Conditions
- Vertical Displacement
- Pore Pressure Results

Tunnel Lining Design
- 3D Tunnel Simulation
- Vector Options
- Support Capacity Plots
- GSI calculator

3D Tunnel Simulation using Core Replacement
- 3D Tunnel Simulation
- Core Replacement Technique
- Reinforced Concrete Liners

Axisymmetric Analysis
- Axisymmetric Modeling
- Axisymmetric Field Stress
- Queries
- Plane Strain Comparison

Adding Support
- Effect of Support on Excavation
- Effect of Excavation on Support
- Bolt Yielding
- Liner Yielding

Anchored Sheet Pile Wall
- Liners
- Joints
- Grouted Tieback Bolts
- Structural Interface

Geotextile Reinforced Ramp
- Geotextiles
- Structural Interfaces
- Mapped Meshing
- Liner Bending Moments

Piled Raft Foundation
- Composite Liners
- Piles
- Foundation Settlement
- Support Forces and Moments
Underground Mining

Materials and Staging
- Multi-Material Model Analysis
- Results Analysis
- Graph Bolt Data
- Stage Settings
Thermal Analysis

Effects of Thermosyphon on Shallow Foundation
- Thermal Transient Analysis
- Temperature Grid
- Thermosyphon Installation
- Thermal Boundary Conditions
Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic Slope Analysis A
- Deconvolution of the Earthquake Input

Dynamic Slope Analysis B
- Filtering the Input Velocity of Seismic Loading

Dynamic Slope Analysis C
- Natural Frequency Range
- Determination of Rayleigh Damping
- Undamped vs. Damped Models

Dynamic Slope Analysis D
- Dynamic Slope Stability

Dynamic Analysis of Machine Foundation
- Dynamic Boundary Conditions
- Dynamic Loading
- Dynamic Results Interpretation

Dynamic Data Analysis
- Dynamic Data Import
- Dynamic Data Analysis
- Dynamic Data Filter
- Pore Pressure
Probabilistic Analysis

Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis
- Probabilistic Analysis
- Slope Stability Analysis
- Probability of Failure
Jointed Rock

Application of Joint Networks
- Adding Joint Networks
- Multiple Joint Networks
- Joint End Conditions/Movement

Joint Tutorial
- Joint End Condition
- Joint Yielding
- Graphing Joint Data
- Joint on Stress Distribution

Joint Liner Interaction
- Composite Liner with Joint
- Rock Joints
- Graph Joint Data
- Liner Bending Moments

Application of Joint Networks (with XFEM)
- Joint Network Addition
- Field Stress
- Boundary Conditions

Conversion to XFEM
- Mesh
- Total Displacement
- Joint Data Visualization

Retaining Wall

Trench with Piles and Struts
- Soldier Piles
- Strut
- Lines

Profiles and Boreholes
- Soil Profile Definition
- Borehole Addition

Getting Started with RS2 Python Scripting
- Python Environment
- RocScript Editor
- Install Libraries
- Run a File

Anchored Sheet Pile Wall
- Material and support properties
- Material Queries
- Liner Results
- csv import \export