Design Standard
The Design Standard tab in the Project Settings dialog gives you the option of applying a geotechnical engineering standard to your RocTopple model. To open the tab:
- Select Project Settings
on the toolbar or on the Analysis menu.
- Select the Design Standard tab.
The available Design Standard options are:
- None (the default)
- Eurocode 7, Design Approach 1, Combination 1
- Eurocode 7, Design Approach 1, Combination 2
- Eurocode 7, Design Approach 2
- Eurocode 7, Design Approach 3
- BS 8006: 1995 Section 7 - Reinforced Slopes
Eurocode 7
Eurocode 7 is a design document that establishes rules and standards for geotechnical engineering design across Europe (BSI, 2004). Eurocode 7 represents a major change in design philosophy. Traditionally a single, lumped Factor of Safety accounts for all of the uncertainties in the problem. With Eurocode 7, partial Factors of Safety are applied to different components of the analysis. The partial factors are applied prior to the analysis to give design values that are used in the calculation. The final result is an over-design factor, which must be greater than 1 to ensure the serviceability limit state requirement is satisfied.
Viewing Partial Factors
To view the selected standard's partial factors that will be applied in the analysis:
- Click the Partial Factors button.
Adding User-Defined Standards
To add a user-defined standard to the selection list:
- Click the Add button.
- Select a standard from the drop-down to define initial values and click OK.
- In the Partial Factors dialog, enter a user-defined value for any factor.
- Enter a Name.
- Click OK.
To import, export, or delete a user-defined standard, click the appropriate button and follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: For a demonstration of how the Design Standard option is applied to your RocTopple design, see Tutorial 03 - Slope Design with Eurocode 7.