Edit Symbols
The Edit Symbols option allows you to customize the symbols used for plotting poles, dip vectors, and intersections on the various stereonet plots including:
To Edit Symbols:
- First display the stereonet plot you would like to customize (e.g., pole plot, Symbolic Plot, etc.)
- Select Edit Symbols from the Edit menu, or you can right-click in the plot view and select Edit Symbols from the popup menu.
- In the Symbol Editor dialog, choose General, Symbolic Plot or Scatter, and use the available options to customize the desired symbols.
- Select OK to save changes.
For further information see below.
General Symbols
The General tab in the Symbol Editor dialog allows you to edit the following plot symbols.
- Pole Vector - the symbol used for all pole vectors on a basic pole plot
- Dip Vector - the symbol used for all dip vectors on a basic dip vector plot
- Critical Pole/Dip - the symbol used for all critical pole or dip vectors in a Kinematic Analysis failure zone (e.g., planar sliding or Flexural Toppling)
- Intersection (Grid) - the symbol used for the intersection vectors of all grid data planes on an intersection plot
- Critical Intersection (Grid) - the symbol used for all critical intersection vectors in a Kinematic Analysis failure zone (e.g., wedge sliding or Direct Toppling)
- Intersection (Other) - the symbol used for all intersections of user defined planes and / or mean set planes
- Critical Intersection (Other) - the symbol used for all critical intersection vectors of user defined planes and / or mean set planes in a kinematic analysis failure zone (e.g., Wedge Sliding or Direct Toppling)
To edit a symbol:
- Select a symbol from the Symbols list (e.g., Pole Vector)
- Select the Style, Border color, Fill color, Symbol Scale and Line Width
NOTE: To simultaneously edit multiple symbols, you can hold down the Ctrl and/or Shift keys while selecting from the list
Symbolic Plot
The Symbolic Plot tab in the Symbol Editor dialog allows you to edit the symbols used for symbolic pole or dip vector plots.
To edit a symbol:
- Select a symbol from the Symbols list
- Select the Style, Border color, Fill color, Symbol Scale and Line Width
NOTE: To simultaneously edit multiple symbols, you can hold down the Ctrl and/or Shift keys while selecting from the list
The Auto-Format option can be used to quickly apply various symbol formats to the plot, including:
- Default
- Quantitative Data
- Dips 5.0 default
- Filled Squares (changes the Symbol Style of all symbols to Squares with the same Border and Fill colour. This is useful if the number of data points is very high, and will make the plot easier to interpret)
- Gray Scale
NOTE: For Symbolic Plots, if you wish to maintain symbol consistency for the same data in different files, use the Lock Symbols option. This allows you to create a master list of Symbol / Column / Data combinations, which will apply to all Dips files. Symbols that are locked will NOT be editable in the Symbol Editor dialog, they must first be unlocked in the Symbol Locker dialog, if you wish to edit them.
Scatter Plot
The Scatter tab in the Symbol Editor dialog allows you to edit the symbols used for Scatter Plots.
On a Scatter Plot, a circle is used for all symbols, and the circle size indicates the number of poles. To customize the Scatter Plot symbols, you can edit the Border, Fill color and Size of the smallest and largest symbols (intermediate symbol sizes will be interpolated between the smallest and largest).
Scale Symbol Size
The size of symbols can be customized in two different ways:
- The Scale All Symbols option at the top of the dialog, allows you to simultaneously scale the size of ALL symbols on the plots.
- You can also independently scale the size of individual symbols with the Symbol Scale option for each symbol.
Save Default Settings
The Defaults button allows you to:
- Restore the original default symbols
- Save the currently selected symbols as the new program default symbols
You can do this independently for the General symbols, Symbolic Plot symbols and Scatter symbols.