Bench Design Overview
The Bench Design option is an extension of the Probabilistic analysis features in RocPlane. Assuming either a constant bench width or constant inter-ramp angle, you can input the design parameters and statistical joint information in order to optimize the bench slope angle according to design constraints. The analysis output allows you to interpret the results according to various methods include the following:
- Managed approach to bench design
- Quantitative hazard analysis (QHA)
Definition of bench design parameters for open pit
For further information and practical examples see Tutorial 06 - Bench Design in RocPlane and Persistence and Bench Design in the RocPlane Theory Documents.
NOTE: The Bench Design theory document was written for the program SWedge , which analyzes tetrahedral wedges formed by the intersection of two joints. The RocPlane bench analysis can be considered a two-dimensional version of the SWedge bench design algorithm.