Upper Face
The dip of the upper face of the slope.
Bench Width
Normally, the wedge size determined by RocPlane is based on the Slope Height. However, the user can scale the wedge size according to the width of a bench ( Bench Width), by selecting the Bench Width check box and entering a value for the width.
- The Bench Width is defined as the HORIZONTAL distance from the CREST of the slope to the rearmost wedge vertex on the Upper Face. This distance is always measured HORIZONTALLY, even if the Upper Face Angle is not horizontal.
- In order to have an effect on the analysis, the Bench Width must define a SMALLER wedge than would be defined by the Slope Height. If the Bench Width value is too large, then the Slope Height will determine the wedge size, as if the Bench Width option were not in use.
NOTE: The maximum possible Bench Width, based on the Slope Height, is displayed in the Edit box underneath the Bench Width check box when the Bench Width check box is not selected.
- If a Tension Crack is defined, the Bench Width cannot define a SMALLER wedge than is defined by the distance of the Tension Crack from the crest. An error message will be displayed in this case.