Tutorials Overview
All Tutorials

1 - Quick Start Tutorial
- Applying a Circular Load
- Immediate Settlement
- Primary Consolidation Settlement
- Deformed Contours

2 - Time-Dependent Consolidation
- Staging
- Groundwater
- Time-Dependent Consolidation

3 - Storage Tank on Embankment
- Load Staging
- Embankments
- Multiple Materials

4 - Wick Drain Tutorial
- Embankments
- Multiple Materials
- Consolidation Analysis
- Wick Drains

5 - Excavations
- Staging with Water Table
- Excavations
- Reference Stage

6 - Preload with Wick Drains
- Pre-Loading
- Wick Drains
- Staged Loading
- Consolidation

7 - Preload with Back Analysis
- Pre-Loading
- Consolidation
- Relative Settlement

8 - Embankment Staging
- Soil Properties
- Soil Layers
- Embankment Load
- Widen Embankment

9 - Empirical Methods
- Water Level
- Add Loads
- Empirical Settlement Calculation

10 - Hydroconsolidation
- Hydroconsolidation Soils
- Collapsible Soils
- Swelling

11 - Secondary Consolidation
- Staged Loads
- Time-dependent Consolidation
- Standard Secondary Consolidation
- Mesri Secondary Consolidation

12 - Liquefaction Analysis
- Liquefaction Input Data
- Liquefaction Analysis Options
- Graphing Results

13 - Multiple Boreholes
- Multiple Boreholes
- Multiple Water Level Input
- Display Options

14 - CPT Analysis
- CPT Analysis
- Data interpretation
- SBT Plots

14a - Liquefaction analysis using CPT data
- CPT analysis
- Liquefaction analysis with CPT data
- Data interpretation

15 - Horizontal Loading
- Horizontal and Vertical Loading
- Horizontal Stresses

16 - Non-Horizontal Ground Surface
- Non-horizontal Soil Layers
- Non-horizontal Ground Surface
- Import surface point cloud data

17 - Ground Improvement - Pt 1: Vibro-Compaction
- Embankment Designer
- Adding Vibo-compaction to a Region
- Ground Improvement Sensitivity Analysis

18 - Ground Improvement - Pt 2: Stone Columns
- Embankment Designer
- Adding Stone Columns to a Region
- Ground Improvement Sensitivity Analysis

19 - Embankment Cross Section Designer
- Cross Section Embankment Designer
- Advanced Embankment Staging
- Non-Horizontal Layering

20 - Multiple Load Import
- Multiple load import
- Modulus of subgrade reaction export

21 - Rapid CPT Data Import
- CPT Analysis
- Multiple CPT Data Import
- Multiple CPT Data Analysis

22 - Section Creator
- Extruded Section Layer
- Section Creator
- Boreholes

23 - Stone Column Drainage
- Ground Improvement
- Stone Columns Drainage

24 - Import from RSLog
- Import from RSLog
- Section creator with boreholes from RSLog