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8 - Report Generator

1.0 Introduction

This tutorial is a simple introductory to help you become familiar with the features of the Report Generator (formerly the Info Viewer). The Reporter Generator is a dynamic tool to help organize and present the details of your analysis in a sleek and customized report.

Topics Covered in this Tutorial:

  • Adding and Managing Views
  • Adding and removing sections from your report
  • Adding Images and Comments
  • Cover Page Options
  • Editing Headers and Footers
  • Export Options

Tutorial Files:

All tutorial files installed with RSPile can be accessed by selecting File > Recent Folders > Tutorials Folder from the RSPile main menu.

2.0 Model

From the RSPile main menu, select File > Recent Folders > Tutorials and open Tutorial 1 - Axial Pile Analysis.rspile2


Views are snapshots of your model, charts or graphs that can be added to your report. Users can take multiple snapshots at any point while defining the model.

3.1 Add View to Report

We will add a view of our results to the report. If the model is not already computed, select Home > Compute compute icon. You will be taken to the Results tab.

  1. Select Results > Add View add button to add a View.
  2. In the Set View Name dialog, enter the name "Displacement Z."
  3. Click OK.

Your View will be saved and added to the section of your report called Report Views.

3.2 Manage Views

Views can be reviewed, edited, rearranged or deleted from the Manage Views dialog. To manage your saved Views:

  1. Select Results > Manage Views manage views
  2. Select the Displacement Z view in the list.
    Mange views dialog
    You can use the Title field to edit the title of the View and the Description field to add additional details you wish included in the report. Other options are available for numbering, rearranging and deleting your views.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog.

4.0 Launching the Report Generator

To launch the Report Generator:

  1. Select Results > Report Generator report generator (the Report Generator can also be launched from the Home tab).

A new window will open. Here is where you will see all the various options for customizing your report.

report generator dialog

5.0 Navigating the Report

When you launch the Report Generator, the details of your project are automatically populated into the report. A table of contents and cover page are automatically created as well.


Use the Navigation Bar on the left of the screen to quickly navigate to the different sections of the report. You will note that the added Views have been added to the end of your report in a section called Report Views.

Navigation Bar

  • Use the Document Map tab to find specific sections.
  • Use the Pages tab to navigate to specific pages.
  • You can also use the Search Field to search for specific sections of your report.
Clicking on a section in the Table of Contents will also take you to that section of the report.


The Report Generator allows you to select which sections you wish to include in the report. By default, all sections are included. To add or remove a section from your report:

  1. Click on the Section Visibility tab on the side of the screen or on the Section Visibility icon in the tool bar. The list of sections will appear.
  2. Un-check the boxes next to sections you do not want included in the report.
  3. Section Visibility Dialog

  4. When you’re done, click on the Section Visibility tab or icon again to close the menu.

6.0 Adding Images and Comments

The Report Generator lets you add images and comments to any section of the report.


To add an image to your report:

  1. Click the Images add images button button in the tool bar. A new dialog will appear.
  2. Images dialog

  3. Click the +Add button to begin adding images.
  4. Use the Section drop down to select the section where you want to add the image.
  5. Click Insert to select file to add.
  6. Repeat the above steps to add more images.
  7. If you wish to remove an image, click on the line you wish to remove and then click Delete.
  8. Click OK to close the dialog.


To add comments to your report:

  1. Click on the Comments Add comments button in the tool bar.
  2. Comments dialog

  3. Click the +Add button to begin adding comments.
  4. Use the Section drop down to select the section where you want to add the comment.
  5. Click Insert. A window will appear where you can enter your comment.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Repeat the above steps to add more comments.
  8. If you wish to remove a comment, click on the line you wish to remove and then click Delete.
  9. Click OK to close the dialog.

7.0 Page Breaks

The Page Breaks button allows you add page breaks between all major sections in the report.

Page breaks button

Toggle the Page Breaks button on or off to add or remove the page breaks between each section.

8.0 Header & Footer

A Header and Footer are automatically added to your report with relevant content including the Date, Project Name and other details.

To customize the content in your header and footer:

  1. Click on the Header & Footer Header and footer icon icon. A dialog will appear.
  2. Header and footer dialog

  3. Use click on Header or Footer tab to select what section edit.
  4. Use the radio buttons to decide the number of columns you wish to include in your header or footer.
  5. Use the drop down menus to change what content appears.
  6. Click Apply to apply the changes to your report.
  7. Click Reset to Default to reset the header and footer to the default options.

9.0 Cover Page options

When you launch the Report Generator a Cover Page is automatically created for your report.

To edit the contents of the Cover Page:

  1. Click on the Cover Page cover image icon button in the tool bar. A new dialog will appear.
  2. Cover page dialog

  3. Use the check boxes on the left to select what elements to include on the cover page.
  4. Use the drop down menus to select the location and alignment of images.
  5. Click the Choose File button to change the logo and/or cover image and select your own image file.
  6. You can edit the text in any of the three text boxes.
  7. Once you have made the necessary changes, click OK to close the dialog and apply your changes.

10.0 Export Options

When you have completed customizing your report, you have the option to export a digital copy of your report.

To export your report:

  1. Click on the Export Export Button button in the tool bar.
  2. Select PDF. A new dialog will appear.
  3. Export dialog

  4. Select the File path for your report.
  5. Enter any additional details you wish to include by clicking More Options.
  6. Click OK to finish exporting the file.

11.0 Saving your current display settings for future reports

You can save the current display settings for use on future reports. This includes Cover Page images and Header and Footer preferences.

To save your current display settings:

  1. Click the Save Save icon button in the tool bar.

Your settings will be saved and will be the default when you next open the program.

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