Product Announcement

The Latest Features in RocPlane

Published on: Jul 01, 2021 Updated on: May 28, 2024 Read: 4 minutes

RocPlane is a dynamic rock slope analysis program designed to help you overcome challenging planar wedge problems. RocPlane can be used for rock slopes and mining applications.

Stay up to date with the latest features and integrations that you can incorporate into your geotechnical projects.

June 2020

Batch Compute & Automate from Excel

Like SWedge, RocPlane has also just added the Batch Compute and Automate from Excel features to allows users to compute and generate results for several RocPlane model files, as well as automate RocPlane model inputs. Also included with the Automate to Excel feature are new excel templates for both Deterministic and Probabilistic analysis.

Batch Compute Model Files

Based on customer feedback, we know you are working with large numbers of saved model files and require a method of quickly generating analysis results for multiple files at a time. The Batch Compute feature in SWedge and RocPlane can be used to compute several Deterministic, Probabilistic, or Combinations analysis models. Files are computed sequentially, and the results are output to a folder, bypassing the process of manually opening and exporting the results one file at a time. To use the feature, simply add previously saved model files to the file queue and compute. Once computing is complete, you can export results as a CSV file or an Excel file for further analysis and interpretation.

Automate Model Inputs

The ability to automate inputs enables you to obtain numerous analysis results with varying input parameters tailored to your needs. The Automate from Excel feature in SWedge and RocPlane gives you the freedom and efficiency to pre-process numerical inputs, automate the computation of millions of wedges, and generate results for post-processing. Pre-processing of input data can be done directly in or imported into an Excel automation file.

Users can analyze several unique Deterministic, Probabilistic, or Combinations scenarios using automated, varying inputs. With this ability, you can generate all the results without having to manually manipulate the inputs for each scenario. Numerical inputs pertaining to wedge geometry, strength, seismic, water pressure, and scaling can all be automated. Results can then be exported as a CSV file or in Excel format for easy post-processing and graphing. The results files contain all applicable inputs as well as calculated values for each wedge and scenario analyzed.

SWedge Probabilistic Input Data

Robust and Customized Analyses

The Automate from Excel feature is also useful for performing more robust and customized analyses. For example, you can perform the following:

  • Custom Sensitivity Analysis by varying any one input parameter or several input parameters simultaneously.
  • Custom Probabilistic Analysis with random variables generated based on your own sampling method and probabilistic distribution.
  • Custom Bench Analysis with a range of bench face angles.

September 2019

Addition of UnWedge Bolt Models

The new release of RocPlane includes the addition of bolt models from UnWedge. Users can now define properties from the following bolt types: Mechanically Anchored, Grouted Dowel, Cable Bolt, Split Set, Swellex, and Simple Bolt Force.

Bolt Properties dialog in RocPlane and SWedge

In addition, Bolt Shear Strength can now be used instead in the corresponding deformation mode. And the Bolt Orientation Efficiency factor can also be applied based on the Cosine Tension/Shear or Linear Tension/Shear method. Users can now also import pre-defined bolt properties from other RocPlane and SWedge models.

Ponded Water Analysis

A new Ponded Water Pressure model has been added to RocPlane and SWedge to allow for analysis of partially wetted or fully submerged slopes. Two types of water pressure can be modelled:

  1. Ponded Water Pressure – Water pressure that acts on the slopes of the wedge.
  2. Plane/Joint Water Pressure (formerly Water Pressure) – Water pressure that acts on the internal failure plane/joints of the wedge.

When ponded water pressure is applied in conjunction with plane/joint water pressure, the user can now select from two slope face types:

  1. Impervious – The plane/joint water pressure distribution is modeled independently of the ponded water such that users can now select from a list of pre-defined pressure distribution models.
  2. Pervious – The plane/joint water pressure distribution depends on the elevation of the ponded water surface. The water table is defined by a combination of joint water surface planes and the ponded water surface plane.

Also included in the new releases is the ability to conduct sensitivity and probabilistic analyses on the depth of ponded water to see its effects on the factor of safety and probability of failure, respectively.

SWedge tetrahedral wedge model with ponded water and joint water applied to the slope and internal surfaces

Learn RocPlane

Explore the RocPlane user guide for in-depth instructions on how to use the program and visit our library of learning resources, including case studies, past webinars, and articles, designed to expand your geotechnical knowledge and help you get the most out of your analysis.

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