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Technical Specifications


  • Deterministic or probabilistic
  • Metric or imperial units
  • Eurocode design standards
  • Bench design

Analysis Results

  • Sidebar information panel
  • Info Viewer analysis summary
  • One-click export of data and charts to Excel


  • Batch Compute model fi les
  • Automate Model Inputs from Excel

Bench Analysis

  • Optimize bench design
  • Fixed bench width or inter-ramp angle
  • Joint persistence determines if wedge can form


  • Water pressure on joints
  • Ponded water analysis
  • Seismic coefficient
  • External forces
  • Pressure (surcharge or support)

Probabilistic Analysis

  • Statistical distributions—normal, uniform, triangular, beta, exponential, lognormal, gamma
  • Histogram, cumulative, and scatter plots
  • Probability of failure, reliability index
  • Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation
  • Random or pseudo-random sampling
  • Shear strength—define variability of mean strength envelope or individual strength parameters
  • Correlation coefficient for cohesion and friction angle
  • Best fit distribution, regression line
  • Highlight failed wedges on plots
  • Interactive sampler
  • Select random wedges

Sensitivity Analysis

  • Determine effect of individual variables on safety factor
  • Multiple variables on one plot

Shear Strength

  • Mohr-Coulomb
  • Barton-Bandis
  • Power Curve
  • Hoek-Brown
  • Waviness angle

Slope Properties

  • Dip angle of slope, upper face, and failure plane
  • Slope height
  • Bench width
  • Overhanging slope
  • Unit weight


  • Rock bolts
    • Define bolt properties from the following bolt types: Mechanically Anchored, Grouted Dowel, Cable Bolt, Split Set, Swellex, and Simple Bolt Force
    • Option to use bolt Shear Strength
    • Option to apply Bolt Orientation Efficiency factor
  • Pressure
  • Active or passive support

Tension Crack

  • Optional tension crack plane
  • Vertical or non-vertical
  • User-defined or automatic location (minimum FS)

Viewing Options

  • 3D wedge view
  • Interactively rotate, zoom, and pan
  • Move wedge along sliding plane
  • 2D view with dimensioning and annotations
  • Export image fi les: .png, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .emf, .wmf

Wedge Size

  • Scale wedge size by height, bench width, persistence, and volume
  • Minimum wedge size
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