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CPillar Maintenance+ Update History

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Version 5.006 - September 12 2023 [Download]

  1. NEW Link to third party licenses in About Dialog
  2. NEW Windows 11 detection in Technical Support Dialog
  3. CHANGED Splash and copyright update
  4. CHANGED Improved message for Maintenance+ subscription.

Version 5.005 - February 17 2022 [Download]

  1. NEW Added command line for inputting drawing shortcuts and vertex coordinates when drawing polyline.
  2. NEW Moved model inputs to Input Data dialog.
  3. NEW Added 2D Pillar Section View for drawing pillar section geometry and adding annotative tools.
  4. NEW Added Import DXF and Export DXF for pillar section geometry.
  5. NEW Added Statistics dialogs for assigning statistical distributions to input parameters.
  6. NEW Improved Info Viewer with detailed analysis results.
  7. NEW Define and modify Stope Section geometry for Polygonal Pillar using cursor, command prompt, or coordinate table.
  8. NEW Factor of Safety and Probability of Failure display in 3D Pillar View.
  9. NEW Specify Design Factors of Safety and Design Buckling Parameter thresholds for display of failed samples in statistical plots and probability of failure calculations.
  10. NEW Export Dataset to Excel option for exporting probabilistic inputs and results.
  11. NEW Option to show Probability of Failure as Percent or Fraction.
  12. NEW Display Options for decimal places shown for various numeric data types.
  13. NEW Show mouse coordinates in Status Bar for 2D and chart views.
  14. NEW Added New Window option to open Stope Section, 3D Pillar View, or Info Viewer in a new window.
  15. NEW Added Import Image Wizard option to import, scale, and set transparency to background images.
  16. NEW Import 2D DXF file as Stope Section geometry or Polyline/Polygon tool in Stope Section view.
  17. NEW Define multiple material properties and assign them to abutments.
  18. FIXED Corrected Shear and Compression Factor of Safety computations for Voussoir Analysis when Support Pressure is greater than weight of pillar and overburden.
  19. FIXED Unsaved modified file recovery.
  20. FIXED Copy as Text in Info Viewer causing crash.
  21. CHANGED Remove offline help.
  22. CHANGED Various icon and UI updates.
  23. CHANGED Added Sidebar for viewing analysis results.
  24. CHANGED Show water surface as a plane in 3D Pillar View.

Version 5.004 - May 18 2021 [Download]

  1. NEW Added a warning message when opening a file version newer than the program version. The user has the option to proceed or abort loading the file. No results from newer file versions are read.
  2. CHANGED Updated Technical Support dialog to replace email link with link to support form. Added System Information for Display resolution and scaling.
  3. CHANGED Updated splash screen.
  4. CHANGED Modified Distribution quick stats popup dialog for Probabilistic Analysis to include OK, Cancel, and Close buttons.
  5. FIXED Fix to truncated normal distribution in case of very large relative min or max for a probabilistic analysis.

Version 5.003 - January 20 2020 [Download]

  1. Fixed bug with display of polygonal pillar dimensions.
  2. Fixed bug with display of water for polygonal pillar with non-vertical abutments.

Version 5.002 - January 11 2020 [Download]

  1. Ensure saving to current CPillar file extension when opening and saving an old CPillar file.
  2. Bug fixes and minor UI changes to Sidebar.
  3. Changed default strength type to Mohr-Coulomb.
  4. Updated splash screen.

Version 5.001 - December 5 2019 [Download]

  1. Maintenance+ version released.

Version 4.006 - August 24 2017 [Download]

  1. Can now turn off high dpi setting in the technical support dialog accessed through the Help menu.

Version 4.005 - July 11 2017

  1. Now supports high dpi graphics cards.
  2. Fix crash when mouse is over Recent File menu item and recent documents history is disabled with group policy.
  3. Added Windows 10 detection to tech support dialog.

Version 4.004 - September 4 2015

  1. The empirical design chart (Carter 2014) now includes the shallow dip direction.
  2. The empirical design parameters are now saved to the file and when you leave the dialog.
  3. An improved method for computing the minimum and maximum scaled span for the empirical design method has been added.

Version 4.003 – August 2015

  1. Beta release.
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