Course: Stability Modelling of Slopes with Rocscience Tools
Course Date: August 20-22, 2024
Venue: The Stanley Hotel & Suites, Lot 8 & 9 Section 515 Sir John Guise Drive, WaiganI NCD Port Moresby, 121, Papua New Guinea
Language: English
Registration Fees:
- Early Bird - $1300 USD (until July 31, 2024)
- Regular - $1400 USD
What’s included:
- Temporary software licenses to all registrants
- Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea daily
- PDF of course materials
- Certificate
Please note:
- Registrants will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
- Registrants must bring their own laptops (and mouse).
- Seats are limited
Course Outline:
Rocscience is pleased to announce a training course in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on applying Rocscience's software suite to stability modelling of slopes. This three-day training course is designed for introductory and intermediate levels and will cover the capabilities and features of the following software: Dips, RocSlope3, RocFall2, Slide2 and RS2.
Day 1 - Dips, RocSlope3, RocFall2
- Plotting stereonets and choosing joint sets
- Methodology to identify planar, wedge, and toppling failure mechanisms
- Kinematic evaluations in Dips
- Overview of RocSlope3 block stability analysis and assumptions
- RocSlope3 joint definition methods with supporting Dips functionalities for realistic and efficient 3D block analysis
- Uncertainty handling of slope geometry and joint persistence
- General conditions for rockfalls and factors affecting trajectories
- Impact theories for lump mass and rigid body in RocFall2
- Point mass and rigid body analysis of the trajectories and energies of falling rock blocks
- Design of mitigation measures such as catch fences and berms
Day 2 & 3 - Slide2 & RS2
- Overview of Slope Stability Analysis Methods and Design considerations
- Overview of Measures of Stability – Factor of Safety using Limit equilibrium analysis, Deformation and Strength Reduction Factor using Finite element analysis
- Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic analysis methods
- Overview of different analysis methods, search methods and optimization methods in Slide2
- Slide2 model set up – including importing geometry, geometry clean up, assigning materials properties, assigning analysis and search methods
- Results interpretation
- Thrust line validation
- Fundamentals of finite element analysis
- Validation of Slide2 model with RS2 – value of Shear Strength Reduction comparison
For any additional queries, please reach out to Alison McQuillan.
Course Instructor:

Dr Alison McQuillan, Director, Rocscience Australia, obtained her PhD in Mining Engineering at UNSW Sydney and is a Chartered Professional (Geotech) and Registered Professional Engineer in Queensland. Alison specializes in rock mechanics and slope stability, with over 15 years of experience in operational, corporate and consulting roles for several commodities in Australia, SE Asia and Africa. Alison applies a practical approach to geotechnical engineering combining her field experience with her knowledge of numerical modelling tools.
Aug 20, 2024 - Aug 22, 2024
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
The course will be conducted in English
- Early Bird: USD $1300
(until Jul 31, 2024) - Regular: USD $1400